
The Project

Code of Ethics

Art on trial is governed by a code of ethics that we can synthesize here:

  • 1.

    We practice Slow Criticism: slow writing, slow editing, slow reading, slow posting.

  • 2.

    We ensure the freedom of the critics, as well as the freedom of the comments.

  • 3.

    We criticize the work, not the artist.

  • 4.

    We do not promote personal interests, no log rolling.

  • 5.

    All published information will be verified.

  • 6.

    We are not motivated by trends, or fashions.

  • 7.

    We are committed to issues related to gender, sexuality, poverty, race and disease in the artworks we address.

  • 8.

    We are committed to visualizing artworks not recognized by current systems and hierarchies.

  • 9.

    We are committed to a model in which the user is responsible for criticism through subscription. We will not finance ourselves with institutions whose model does not seem ethical to us.

  • 10.

    We will always take into account the suggestions of the users.

Illustration by Blanca Bonet

Our Sections

Devil's Advocate

Illustration by the illustrious Guy Richards Smit, an artist who with great humor can make a drawing express much more than a hundred-page essay.

The Trials

A changing group of gimlet-eyed art critics will contrast a middling work of art made by celebrated creator with a second important artwork made by a lesser-known artist. The comparison will be drawn with regard to these artworks similarities and dissimilarities. The artworks in question will be of a relatively recent vintage (from the 1980s to the present); their peculiarities will serve to address important questions regarding contemporary art. In our “Trials” section you´ll also find our “Critical Condition” texts: these are short opinion pieces that touch on currents events in the world at large and in the art world.


You will actually hear the voices of our critics here in commentaries, editorials, and other interventions. In this section, you will also find our “Post-its”: these are one- question interviews with important cultural agents that touch on relevant topics.

Critics on Trial

Critics judging artists, that’s fine, but… Who criticizes critics? Artists, curators, and directors of institutions review’s another review that they have received, and that they do not believe that it was fair. You will also read “Third degree”, a questionnaire in which we subject an art agent to a horrifying interrogation. Until they finally tell the truth.

Resident of the Month

During the time that the content update lasts, we invite a young critic to take over our space with total freedom. She/he can recommend, suggest, and link content from any discipline. A gap to give / make known.


We dust off the files so that a canonical text of art criticism will see the light of the screen again. Yes, it is a challenge to those who claim that the useful life of a text published in a newspaper or magazine is months. You will also read “The critic’s choice”, a section in which a critic recommends a text written by another, arguing the reason for their selection.

Their Honors

This is where you`ll find information about our contributors. The critics you will read in this space are endorsed by their own trajectories, by the solidity of their opinions, and by the courage they use in expressing them. This section also contains our masthead.


Interacting with our readers through our platform and social media is very important for us. Not only do we want to promote our campaigns, events, and other encounters, we also want to develop interactive content.

The Donors

Thanks to all our donors. Their support has made Art on Trial a reality.
